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A Mom's Food Allergy Journey - Part 2

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Guest blogger and SAGE Director of Nutrition Lesley Vogel wraps up her two-part series on being the parent of a food allergic child. Here are her tips for adjusting to a new way of life: "Looking back on our food allergy journey, I can honestly say we are in a good place. So, how did we get to this point? Let me share what I've learned so far. Here are my 'food allergy mom and dietitian' top four tips: 1-...


A Mom's Food Allergy Journey - Part 1

Nutrition, From Our Kitchensage img

What goes through your mind when someone you love is diagnosed with a food allergy? SAGE's Director of Nutrition, Lesley Vogel, can answer that question. She is the mother of a food allergic child. In this two-part series, she blogs about her experience and how it changed her life. "It's not like it came as a surprise. I mean, there was a reason I brought my daughter to the allergist in the first place, right? Just a few weeks earlier...


The ABCs of Food Allergies

Nutrition, From Our Kitchen

Have you ever had an allergic reaction to something you ate? If you were lucky, it was a mild reaction with symptoms like itchy eyes and throat, hives, or cramping. Unfortunately, some people have allergies so severe they produce a reaction called anaphylaxis. This can cause your body to go into shock, blood pressure to drop, airway to constrict, tongue to swell and hives to appear. Without quick attention, anaphylaxis can be fatal. A food allergy is a medical condition...


Food Allergy Awareness Week


As many as 15 million people in the U.S. have a food allergy, including 1 in 13 children. Whether you have a child with a food allergy or not, it is a serious condition that affects everyone. From birthday parties, to sleepovers, to a day at the mall, the slightest trace of an allergen can be life threatening. For those directly affected, this is no laughing matter. [caption id="attachment_20682" align="alignright" width="231" caption="https://www.foodallergy.org/"][/caption] Stress to your children that...


Food Allergy Incidence on the Rise


According to a recent study published in Pediatrics, 6 million children -- or one in every 13 children -- have food allergies. That's twice the 2007 estimate of 3 million. In addition, two in every five kids with a food allergy experience life-threatening reactions, like swelling of the throat or a drop in blood pressure. These findings support continued need for education and awareness of food allergies within the school setting. Reactions to food allergies can be life-threatening, and education...


More Education Needed on Food Allergies


Food allergies are making news. A peanut allergy issue at a school in Florida prompted a leading organization, The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN), to reinforce the importance of education. Food allergies are life-threatening for some, but proper planning coupled with education allows all students a chance to eat safe, wholesome meals at school. SAGE's food allergy policy and education materials are based on information from FAAN. Earlier this month, the newest managers at SAGE spent time discussing food...


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